nysports please post your plays....


Sep 20, 2004

Can you post your plays and provide us with many winners.....Your negative actions here against other cappers, tends to reflect a belief that you are a very successful handicapper....Also, your rejection and statement regarding other cappers methods, "as being a Recipe for Disaster"...continues to reflect that you believe you are the BEST capper here......I think this only leaves us with a need to see if you are only talk and nothing else..

So can you show us what your worth and your abilities....We are really gettin tired of you constantly attacking others plays, and capping abilities, when you yourself dont have the guts to post your own......

Basically, we are asking you to finally Put Up or Shut Up!....So, post your plays for all to see....You arent afraid to do this are you?

We All await, to see whether you deserve any Respect or Not...Please dont make any excuses as not to post, you have already posted your unverifiable record in MLB this year in my thread, and have even stated that you have an Winning handicapping Angle that you use...I will post your so called record if you like to show others that you do play and do handicap MLB.......So either Put Up or Shut Up!....Whats it going to be?....I think we can all learn something from eachother.....Teach us something....Pleassssssse!

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Look forward to it in the rubber room guys....

Sep 21, 2004
MC, Pitbull

Just to SHUT CO-TOUT up, I will post my CBB plays @ The Rx once again this up-coming year. He probably won't like them very much as around 85% will be dogs and there won't be anywhere near the amount of plays that he is accustomed to. Also, I will actually add in the juice and keep track daily and HONESTLY.

Now to respond to some of your idiotic statements:

I never said I was the BEST or even close to the BEST.

My comment about "recipe for disaster" is just as I stated, "IMO". I think if you ask around some quality MLB cappers , you might find that they would agree with me that playing as you do would only spell disaster.

Who is this WE that you keep talking about?

As I've mentioned to you before, I only play 1 angle in bases that has worked for me for quite a long time and when I get to a profit of around 10-12 units, I'm done for the year. So to answer your question about me being afraid to post. I have nothing to post really.

Never said I deserved any respect, nor am I looking for any. I think if you ask around about my CBB plays, you might be surprised at what you find.

I COULDN'T possibly teach you anything as you ALREADY KNOW IT ALL TOUT BOY.


Sep 20, 2004

Answer me this, why is it...If you are so successful in what you do, do you need to create controversy with others.....Why the questioning to provide records?....Like you like to do btw to ONLY those who are Winning and have earned the Respect from many here from their consistant plays that was posted day in day out....

Dont you know that it was this day in and day out, through the good times and the bad times, the wins and the losses that some here has gotten to be respected.....This didnt happen overnight or in just one day, one week, or one month....This respect as capable knowledgable cappers, was something that was given over a long period of time and many hours and hard work....This is what has made others feel what they feel concerning a particular capper.....Why is it that you feel that you need to ask or question me or others like the NyReb to the legitamacy of themselves?.....What does it do to you personally?

What are you hoping to accomplish by this questioning and insisting for a record or anything for that matter, to be produced for you?....It wasnt like there was a contest or anything involved which would reflect why a need to see a records to compare who is the winner....So why your need to hound other succesful cappers for their records?....

Then when you get it, you start to tear it apart trying to find something wrong with it...You have a need to try to find something you dont agree with about the methods of these successful cappers, in order to create some sort of way for you to voice your arrogant opinions that you are right and they are not......Why the need to focus yourself on attacking another capper here who is in a battle with the man and not you....huh?....Can you answer this.....And why is it that when someone gives you what you want, you cant accept it and have to go on to make up insinuating lies, etc.....I know why, because of plain old jealousy that is it.....You can deny it all you want, but their is no other reason for you to go on and on like you have with me, the Reb, and I am sure there must be others, the way you do.....

And please dont state that you are doing it for anyone else either....Because we all know that is BS....So again, why is it so hard for you to live your life and on your own merits?....I dont think anyone questioned you, but you seem to feel you can question others....And remember your questions are not to just anyone, your questioning are to those successful popular respected cappers, who you may disagree with, or just cant stand that what they have achieved, whether it be popularity, a winning records, etc....Do you actually think that others care that you disagree with anothers ways?....And lets say for argument purposes that they do, so what....How and what does this do for you?

Many times you were given the answers to your questions and comments, but many times you are not willing to accept it.....Why?....The only answer to that is because you dont really have a need for an answer, as much as a need to contradict it or use it for your own personal gain and plans to draw the attention away from this person, and maybe not on to yourself, but simply away from this person......You possibily do not like one person getting all the respect he is getting....as you may feel its not fair or shouldnt be that way....Your actions are very telling, because there is no other reasons to do what you do...None.

This insistant arrogant asking and demanding for no reason but your own need to take attention away from someone and on to yourself or as I mentioned away from someone period, that you are now being asked to post your plays as you shouldnt be attacking anyone here who is putting in free work for others to use......Who the Fvck are you?.....and Why do you have this need to Bash others, or a need to dispute or contradict or be jealous of what someone else does?...

I think that if you answer these questions honestly....Then we will all know where it is that your bashing and attempt to create controversy with others is fueled by....You see, I cannot see any other reason for your actions against me.....Why would you even care what another does, especially me?....I have no bearing on your life, so why are you acting like I do?

Ok, I am going to let you answer these questions so we, me, will know why you need to live your life this way....Your actions like I stated is simply looked upon by most everyone as plain old jealousy....That is the only reason for it....And unless you have an intelligent reason which contradicts this obvious jealous behaviors of yours.....It will simply remain as your just a jealous insecure person....That is it!

[This message was edited by Co-Captain on May 24, 2004 at 03:30 PM.]

Sep 20, 2004
Make sure, that you not make record as the reasons for your actions, as you know and I know it has nothing to do with records....Why?, because you were shown many time a record....The General has even volunteered to track my record to fill your need for it.....I have even posted it for you, yet you bring up other things like favs and dogs and what not.....For what reason....You see this aint about anyones records, this is about YOU!....

And hiding behind the excuse that a capper should show this or show that, or do this or do that, and shouldnt do this or that, is a personal need you have....What do you think you control the world and that it revolves around you?....If not, then why act like it.....Dam man you are one lost soul and are a very weak person that you cannot accept things that do not concern you or affect your life in any way....Trying to create drama and controversy in anothers life is just a simple way of avoiding your hatred for you own, and having to deal with your unhappiness....Think about it!....If you were happy, and your life was nothing but bliss, you wouldnt have the time nor the need to worry about what another does.....You would careless what someone else does or doesnt do....Plain and Simple...Get Some Conseling before it becomes the end of you....Seriously!

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